About me
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country in the HiTZ center and IXA group. My research interests are focused on low-resource scenarios and particularly on low-resource Information Extraction. I obtained my PhD at the University of the Basque Country in 2024. I worked on zero and few-shot Information Extraction using entailment models and making LLMs learn to follow annotation guidelines.
Additional research interests include cross-lingual evaluations, LLMs for low-resource languages (particularly Basque), and data contamination in LLMs.
- Co-organizer of The First Data Contamination Workshop (CONDA).
- 4 months visiting researcher (2024 September-December) at the LMU Munich with Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schütze.
- Active reviewer for ML and NLP conferences: ICLR, *ACL (ARR), EMNLP, LREC, Coling, ... since 2021.
Grants and Awards
- Best Resource Paper Award at the ACL 2024
- Best Reviewer Award at the EMNLP 2023 in the Information Extraction track
- Predoc-berri PhD grant by the Basque Government
- IKASIKER collaboration grant by the Basque Government
- Mikel Zubillaga (2022-present): BSc and PhD student at the University of the Basque Country, co-advised with Oier Lopez de Lacalle and Eneko Agirre.
- Neil de la Fuente (2024): Summer internship at HiTZ Center, co-advised with Iker García-Ferrero and Eneko Agirre.
Featured publications
For more visit my Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar page.