Module a2t.tasks

The module tasks contains the code related to the Task definition.

Task taxonomy.

The tasks on this module are organized based on the number of spans to classify:

  • ZeroaryTask: are tasks like Text Classification, where the aim is to classify the given text into a set of predefined labels.
  • UnaryTask: are tasks like Named Entity Classification, where the object to classify is an span within a text.
  • BinaryTask: are tasks like Relation Classification, where what is actually classified is the relation between two spans in a text.

There are also more specific predefined task classes like TopicClassificationTask that includes helpful code and default values for the given task. You can either create create a task specific class or instantiate one of the predefined ones.

In addition to the Task class a Features class must be defined. The Features class will define which type of information is used during the classification. For example, for a UnaryTask a context and some variable X for the span are needed. This class will also be used to instantiate the task data instances.

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"""The module `tasks` contains the code related to the `Task` definition.

![Task taxonomy.](

The tasks on this module are organized based on the number of spans to classify:

* `ZeroaryTask`: are tasks like Text Classification, where the aim is to classify the given text into a set of predefined
* `UnaryTask`: are tasks like Named Entity Classification, where the object to classify is an span within a text.
* `BinaryTask`: are tasks like Relation Classification, where what is actually classified is the relation between two spans in a text.

There are also more specific predefined task classes like `TopicClassificationTask` that includes helpful code and default values for 
the given task. You can either create create a task specific class or instantiate one of the predefined ones.

In addition to the `Task` class a `Features` class must be defined. The `Features` class will define which type of information is
used during the classification. For example, for a `UnaryTask` a `context` and some variable `X` for the span are needed. This class
will also be used to instantiate the task data instances.

from .base import Task, ZeroaryTask, UnaryTask, BinaryTask, Features, ZeroaryFeatures, UnaryFeatures, BinaryFeatures
from .text_classification import (
from .span_classification import NamedEntityClassificationFeatures, NamedEntityClassificationTask
from .tuple_classification import (

    "zero-ary": (ZeroaryTask, ZeroaryFeatures),
    "unary": (UnaryTask, UnaryFeatures),
    "binary": (BinaryTask, BinaryFeatures),
    "topic-classification": (TopicClassificationTask, TopicClassificationFeatures),
    "named-entity-classification": (NamedEntityClassificationTask, NamedEntityClassificationFeatures),
    "relation-classification": (RelationClassificationTask, RelationClassificationFeatures),
    "event-argument-classification": (EventArgumentClassificationTask, EventArgumentClassificationFeatures),
    "tacred": (TACREDRelationClassificationTask, TACREDFeatures),

__all__ = [

# Ignore __dataclass_fields__ variables on documentation
__pdoc__ = {
        f"{_class}.{varname}": False
        for _class in __all__
        if hasattr(eval(_class), "__dataclass_fields__")
        for varname in eval(_class).__dataclass_fields__.keys()


class Task (name: str = None, required_variables: List[str] = <factory>, additional_variables: List[str] = <factory>, labels: List[str] = <factory>, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = <factory>, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, negative_label_id: int = -1, multi_label: bool = False, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.base.Features)

Abstract class for Tasks definition.

The method _assert_constraints() must be overrided.


name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the Features class. Defaults to empty list.
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the Features class. Defaults to empty list.
labels : List[str], optional
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Default to Features.
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class Task:
    """Abstract class for Tasks definition.

    The method `_assert_constraints()` must be overrided.

        name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
        required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `Features` class. Defaults to empty list.
        additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `Features` class. Defaults to empty list.
        labels (List[str], optional): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
        templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
        valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
        negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.
        multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
        features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Default to `Features`.

    name: str = None
    required_variables: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    additional_variables: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    labels: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None
    negative_label_id: int = -1  # -1 for no negative class
    multi_label: bool = False
    features_class: type = Features

    def __post_init__(self):

        self.label2id = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(self.labels)}
        self.n_labels = len(self.labels)

        if not self.templates:
            self.templates = {}

        # Create the templates to label mapping
        self.template2label = defaultdict(list)
        for label, templates in self.templates.items():
            for template in templates:

        self.template_list = list(self.template2label.keys())
        template2id = {template: i for i, template in enumerate(self.template_list)}

        self.label2templateid = defaultdict(list)
        for label, templates in self.templates.items():
            self.label2templateid[label].extend([template2id[template] for template in templates])

        # Create the valid_conditions matrix
        if self.valid_conditions:
            self._valid_conditions = {}
            self._always_valid_labels = np.zeros(self.n_labels)
            self._always_valid_labels[self.negative_label_id] = 1.0
            for label, conditions in self.valid_conditions.items():
                if label not in self.labels:
                for condition in conditions:
                    if condition == "*":
                        self._always_valid_labels[self.label2id[label]] = 1.0
                    if condition not in self._valid_conditions:
                        self._valid_conditions[condition] = np.zeros(self.n_labels)
                        if self.negative_label_id >= 0:
                            self._valid_conditions[condition][self.negative_label_id] = 1.0
                    self._valid_conditions[condition][self.label2id[label]] = 1.0
            self._valid_conditions = None

        def idx2label(idx):
            return self.labels[idx]

        self.idx2label = np.vectorize(idx2label)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        class_name = if else str(self.__class__)
        labels_repr = self.labels.__repr__()
        if len(labels_repr) > 89:
            labels_repr = self.labels[:3].__repr__().replace("]", ", ...]")
        templates_repr = len(self.template2label)
        feature_class_repr = str(self.features_class)

        return (
            f"{class_name} ("
            f"\n\tLabels: {labels_repr}"
            f"\n\tTemplates: {templates_repr}"
            f"\n\tFeatures: {feature_class_repr}"

    def _assert_constraints(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} is an abstract class. This method should be implemented.")

    def _assert_minimal_constraints(self):
        assert len(self.labels) > 0, "The number of labels should be greather than 0."

        assert self.negative_label_id < len(
        ), "The id for the negative label should be lower than the amount of labels."

        if self.negative_label_id >= 0:
            assert self.templates is not None and len(
                [value for values in self.templates.values() for value in values]
            ), "`templates` parameter must not be None nor empty."

        # assert all(
        #     key in self.labels for key in self.templates.keys()
        # ), "All the keys of templates dicts must be defined on labels."
        for key in list(self.templates.keys()):
            if key not in self.labels:
                warnings.warn(f"Label {key} not found among valid labels. Templates for label {key} not loaded.")
                del self.templates[key]

        if self.valid_conditions:
            # assert all(
            #     key in self.labels for key in self.valid_conditions.keys()
            # ), "All the keys of valid_conditions dict must be defined on labels."
            for key in list(self.valid_conditions.keys()):
                if key not in self.labels:
                    warnings.warn(f"Label {key} not found among valid labels. Valid conditions for label {key} not loaded.")
                    del self.valid_conditions[key]

        assert all(
            var in self.features_class.__dict__["__dataclass_fields__"]
            for var in self.required_variables + self.additional_variables
        ), "All variables should be defined on the features_class."

        assert all(
            var.strip("{").strip("}") in [*self.required_variables, *self.additional_variables]
            for templates in self.templates.values()
            for template in templates
            for var in re.findall(r"{\w+}", template)

    def assert_features_class(self, features: List[Features]) -> None:
        """Assert that all features are instance of the task specific `Features` class.

            features (List[Features]): The list of features to check.

            IncorrectFeatureTypeError: Raised when any feature is not an instance of the task specific `Features` class.
        for feature in features:
            if not isinstance(feature, self.features_class):
                raise IncorrectFeatureTypeError(
                    f"Incorrect feature type given. Expected {self.features_class} but obtained {type(feature)}."

    def generate_premise_hypotheses_pairs(self, features: List[Features], sep_token: str = "</s>") -> List[str]:
        """Generate premise-hypothesis pairs based on the `Task` templates.

            features (List[Features]): The list of features.
            sep_token (str, optional): The model specific separator token. Defaults to "</s>".

            List[str]: The list of premise-hypothesis pairs generated from the features and templates.
        if not isinstance(features, list):
            features = [features]

        sentence_pairs = [
            f"{feature.context} {sep_token} {template.format(**feature.__dict__)}"
            for feature in features
            for template in self.template_list
        return sentence_pairs

    def reverse_to_labels(self, template_probs: np.ndarray, collate_fn: Callable = np.max) -> np.ndarray:
        """A function that maps template probabilities to label probabilites. By default, the maximum probabilities among
        label related templates is used.

            template_probs (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_templates) The templates probabilites.
            collate_fn (Callable, optional): The probabilites collate function. Defaults to np.max.

            np.ndarray: (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        outputs = np.hstack(
                collate_fn(template_probs[:, self.label2templateid[label]], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
                if label in self.label2templateid
                else np.zeros((template_probs.shape[0], 1))
                for label in self.labels
        return outputs

    def apply_valid_conditions(self, features: List[Features], probs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Applies the valid conditions to the labels probabilities. If a constraint is not satisfied the probability is set to 0.

            features (List[Features]): (batch_size,) The list of features.
            probs (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.

            np.ndarray: (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        if self._valid_conditions:
            mask_matrix = np.stack(
                [self._valid_conditions.get(feature.inst_type, np.zeros(self.n_labels)) for feature in features],
            probs = probs * np.logical_or(mask_matrix, self._always_valid_labels)  # TODO: Need a test
        return probs

    def compute_metrics(
        self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"
    ) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Compute the metrics for the given task. This method is abstract and needs to be overrided.

            labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
            output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
            threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

                * **"default"**: The threshold is set to 0.5.
                * **"optimize"**: Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
                * **`float`**: A specific float value for the threshold.

                Defaults to "optimize".

            NotImplementedError: Raise if not overrided.

            Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
        # TODO: Unittest
        raise NotImplementedError("This method must be implemented.")

    def from_config(cls, file_path: str) -> object:
        """Loads the Task instance from a configuration file.

            file_path (str): The path to the configuration file.

            Task: A `Task` instance based on the configuration file.
        with open(file_path, "rt") as f:
            config = json.load(f)

        if "features_class" in config:
            components = config["features_class"].split(".")
            mod = __import__(components[0])
            for comp in components[1:]:
                mod = getattr(mod, comp)

            config["features_class"] = mod

        params = set([ for p in fields(cls)]) | set(inspect.signature(cls).parameters.keys())
        params = {key: config[key] for key in params if key in config}

        return cls(**params)

    def to_config(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Saves the task instance to a configuration file.

            file_path (str): The path to the configuration file.
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
        with open(file_path, "wt") as f:
            values = {key: value for key, value in vars(self).items()}
            values["features_class"] = values["features_class"].__module__ + "." + values["features_class"].__name__
            for key in ["label2id", "idx2label", "n_labels", "template2label", "label2templateid", "_valid_conditions"]:
                del values[key]

            json.dump(values, f, indent=4)


  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.UnaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.ZeroaryTask

Static methods

def from_config(file_path: str) ‑> object

Loads the Task instance from a configuration file.


file_path : str
The path to the configuration file.


A Task instance based on the configuration file.
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def from_config(cls, file_path: str) -> object:
    """Loads the Task instance from a configuration file.

        file_path (str): The path to the configuration file.

        Task: A `Task` instance based on the configuration file.
    with open(file_path, "rt") as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    if "features_class" in config:
        components = config["features_class"].split(".")
        mod = __import__(components[0])
        for comp in components[1:]:
            mod = getattr(mod, comp)

        config["features_class"] = mod

    params = set([ for p in fields(cls)]) | set(inspect.signature(cls).parameters.keys())
    params = {key: config[key] for key in params if key in config}

    return cls(**params)


def assert_features_class(self, features: List[a2t.tasks.base.Features]) ‑> None

Assert that all features are instance of the task specific Features class.


features : List[Features]
The list of features to check.


Raised when any feature is not an instance of the task specific Features class.
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def assert_features_class(self, features: List[Features]) -> None:
    """Assert that all features are instance of the task specific `Features` class.

        features (List[Features]): The list of features to check.

        IncorrectFeatureTypeError: Raised when any feature is not an instance of the task specific `Features` class.
    for feature in features:
        if not isinstance(feature, self.features_class):
            raise IncorrectFeatureTypeError(
                f"Incorrect feature type given. Expected {self.features_class} but obtained {type(feature)}."
def generate_premise_hypotheses_pairs(self, features: List[a2t.tasks.base.Features], sep_token: str = '</s>') ‑> List[str]

Generate premise-hypothesis pairs based on the Task templates.


features : List[Features]
The list of features.
sep_token : str, optional
The model specific separator token. Defaults to "".


The list of premise-hypothesis pairs generated from the features and templates.
Expand source code
def generate_premise_hypotheses_pairs(self, features: List[Features], sep_token: str = "</s>") -> List[str]:
    """Generate premise-hypothesis pairs based on the `Task` templates.

        features (List[Features]): The list of features.
        sep_token (str, optional): The model specific separator token. Defaults to "</s>".

        List[str]: The list of premise-hypothesis pairs generated from the features and templates.
    if not isinstance(features, list):
        features = [features]

    sentence_pairs = [
        f"{feature.context} {sep_token} {template.format(**feature.__dict__)}"
        for feature in features
        for template in self.template_list
    return sentence_pairs
def reverse_to_labels(self, template_probs: numpy.ndarray, collate_fn: Callable = <function amax>) ‑> numpy.ndarray

A function that maps template probabilities to label probabilites. By default, the maximum probabilities among label related templates is used.


template_probs : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_templates) The templates probabilites.
collate_fn : Callable, optional
The probabilites collate function. Defaults to np.max.


(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
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def reverse_to_labels(self, template_probs: np.ndarray, collate_fn: Callable = np.max) -> np.ndarray:
    """A function that maps template probabilities to label probabilites. By default, the maximum probabilities among
    label related templates is used.

        template_probs (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_templates) The templates probabilites.
        collate_fn (Callable, optional): The probabilites collate function. Defaults to np.max.

        np.ndarray: (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
    outputs = np.hstack(
            collate_fn(template_probs[:, self.label2templateid[label]], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
            if label in self.label2templateid
            else np.zeros((template_probs.shape[0], 1))
            for label in self.labels
    return outputs
def apply_valid_conditions(self, features: List[a2t.tasks.base.Features], probs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Applies the valid conditions to the labels probabilities. If a constraint is not satisfied the probability is set to 0.


features : List[Features]
(batch_size,) The list of features.
probs : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.


(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
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def apply_valid_conditions(self, features: List[Features], probs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Applies the valid conditions to the labels probabilities. If a constraint is not satisfied the probability is set to 0.

        features (List[Features]): (batch_size,) The list of features.
        probs (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.

        np.ndarray: (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
    if self._valid_conditions:
        mask_matrix = np.stack(
            [self._valid_conditions.get(feature.inst_type, np.zeros(self.n_labels)) for feature in features],
        probs = probs * np.logical_or(mask_matrix, self._always_valid_labels)  # TODO: Need a test
    return probs
def compute_metrics(self, labels: numpy.ndarray, output: numpy.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = 'optimize') ‑> Dict[str, float]

Compute the metrics for the given task. This method is abstract and needs to be overrided.


labels : np.ndarray
(batch_size,) The correct labels.
output : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
threshold : Union[str, float], optional

The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

  • "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
  • "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the labels. Intended to be used on the development split.
  • float: A specific float value for the threshold.

Defaults to "optimize".


Raise if not overrided.


Dict[str, float]
Dict with the resulting metrics.
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def compute_metrics(
    self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"
) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Compute the metrics for the given task. This method is abstract and needs to be overrided.

        labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
        output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

            * **"default"**: The threshold is set to 0.5.
            * **"optimize"**: Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
            * **`float`**: A specific float value for the threshold.

            Defaults to "optimize".

        NotImplementedError: Raise if not overrided.

        Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
    # TODO: Unittest
    raise NotImplementedError("This method must be implemented.")
def to_config(self, file_path: str) ‑> None

Saves the task instance to a configuration file.


file_path : str
The path to the configuration file.
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def to_config(self, file_path: str) -> None:
    """Saves the task instance to a configuration file.

        file_path (str): The path to the configuration file.
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
    with open(file_path, "wt") as f:
        values = {key: value for key, value in vars(self).items()}
        values["features_class"] = values["features_class"].__module__ + "." + values["features_class"].__name__
        for key in ["label2id", "idx2label", "n_labels", "template2label", "label2templateid", "_valid_conditions"]:
            del values[key]

        json.dump(values, f, indent=4)
class Features (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None)

A simple class to handle the features information.


context : str
The context sentence.
label : str, optional
The label of the instance.
inst_type : str, optional
The type of the instance. This information is used for the `valid_conditions' constraints.
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class Features:
    """A simple class to handle the features information.

        context (str): The context sentence.
        label (str, optional): The label of the instance.
        inst_type (str, optional): The type of the instance. This information is used for the `valid_conditions' constraints.

    context: str
    label: str = None
    inst_type: str = None


  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.base.UnaryFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.base.ZeroaryFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.text_classification.TextClassificationFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.text_classification.TopicClassificationFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.EventArgumentClassificationFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.TACREDFeatures
class ZeroaryTask (name: str = None, required_variables: List[str] = <factory>, additional_variables: List[str] = <factory>, labels: List[str] = <factory>, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = <factory>, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, negative_label_id: int = -1, multi_label: bool = False, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.base.ZeroaryFeatures)

A Task implementation for Text Classification like tasks.


name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the ZeroaryFeatures class. Defaults to empty list.
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the ZeroaryFeatures class. Defaults to empty list.
labels : List[str], optional
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to ZeroaryFeatures.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.
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class ZeroaryTask(Task):
    """A `Task` implementation for Text Classification like tasks.

        name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
        required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `ZeroaryFeatures` class. Defaults to empty list.
        additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `ZeroaryFeatures` class. Defaults to empty list.
        labels (List[str], optional): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
        templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
        valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
        multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
        features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to `ZeroaryFeatures`.
        negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.

    features_class: type = ZeroaryFeatures

    def _assert_constraints(self):
        # Assert the number of required variables to be 0
        assert len(self.required_variables) == 0, "Zero-ary tasks like Text classifiation do not require any variable."

    def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = None) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `ZeroaryTask` the Accuracy is computed.

            labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
            output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
            threshold (Union[str, float], optional): No threshold is needed on `ZeroaryTask`.

            Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
        # TODO: Unittest
        if threshold:
            warnings.warn(f"{self.__class__} do not require 'threshold', ignored.")

        return {"accuracy_score": accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))}


  • a2t.tasks.base.Task


  • a2t.tasks.text_classification.TextClassificationTask
  • a2t.tasks.text_classification.TopicClassificationTask


def compute_metrics(self, labels: numpy.ndarray, output: numpy.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = None) ‑> Dict[str, float]

Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on ZeroaryTask the Accuracy is computed.


labels : np.ndarray
(batch_size,) The correct labels.
output : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
threshold : Union[str, float], optional
No threshold is needed on ZeroaryTask.


Dict[str, float]
Dict with the resulting metrics.
Expand source code
def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = None) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `ZeroaryTask` the Accuracy is computed.

        labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
        output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        threshold (Union[str, float], optional): No threshold is needed on `ZeroaryTask`.

        Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
    # TODO: Unittest
    if threshold:
        warnings.warn(f"{self.__class__} do not require 'threshold', ignored.")

    return {"accuracy_score": accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))}
class ZeroaryFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None)

A features class for ZeroaryTask. It only requires a context argument.

Expand source code
class ZeroaryFeatures(Features):
    """A features class for `ZeroaryTask`. It only requires a `context` argument."""



  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class UnaryTask (name: str = None, required_variables: List[str] = <factory>, additional_variables: List[str] = <factory>, labels: List[str] = <factory>, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = <factory>, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, negative_label_id: int = -1, multi_label: bool = False, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.base.UnaryFeatures)

A Task implementation for Span Classification like tasks.


name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the UnaryFeatures class. Defaults ["X"].
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the UnaryFeatures class. Defaults to empty list.
labels : List[str], optional
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Default to UnaryFeatures.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.
Expand source code
class UnaryTask(Task):
    """A `Task` implementation for Span Classification like tasks.

        name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
        required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `UnaryFeatures` class. Defaults `["X"]`.
        additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `UnaryFeatures` class. Defaults to empty list.
        labels (List[str], optional): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
        templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
        valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
        multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
        features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Default to `UnaryFeatures`.
        negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.

    required_variables: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["X"])
    features_class: type = UnaryFeatures

    def _assert_constraints(self):
        # Assert the number of required variables to be 1
        assert len(self.required_variables) == 1, "Unary-ary tasks like Span classifiation requires 1 variable."

    def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"):
        """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `UnaryTask` the Accuracy is computed if
        the `negative_label_id` is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are

            labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
            output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
            threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

                * "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
                * "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
                * `float`: A specific float value for the threshold.

                Defaults to "optimize".

            Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
        # TODO: Unittest
        if threshold not in ["default", "optimize"] and not isinstance(threshold, float):
            raise ValueError("Threshold must be either 'default', 'optimize' or a float value.")

        if threshold == "default":
            threshold = 0.5

        if threshold == "optimize":
            threshold, _ = find_optimal_threshold(labels, output, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)

        results = {"optimal_threshold": threshold}
        if self.negative_label_id < 0:
            results["accuracy_score"] = accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))
            output_ = apply_threshold(output, threshold=threshold, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)
            positive_labels = list(set(range(len(self.labels))) - set([self.negative_label_id]))
            output_pos = output.copy()
            output_pos[:, self.negative_label_id] = 0.0

            results["positive_accuracy"] = accuracy_score(
                labels[labels != self.negative_label_id], output_pos[labels != self.negative_label_id, :].argmax(-1)

            pre, rec, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, output_, labels=positive_labels, average="micro")
            results["precision"] = pre
            results["recall"] = rec
            results["f1-score"] = f1

        return results


  • a2t.tasks.base.Task


  • a2t.tasks.span_classification.NamedEntityClassificationTask


def compute_metrics(self, labels: numpy.ndarray, output: numpy.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = 'optimize')

Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on UnaryTask the Accuracy is computed if the negative_label_id is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are computed.


labels : np.ndarray
(batch_size,) The correct labels.
output : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
threshold : Union[str, float], optional

The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

  • "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
  • "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the labels. Intended to be used on the development split.
  • float: A specific float value for the threshold.

Defaults to "optimize".


Dict[str, float]
Dict with the resulting metrics.
Expand source code
def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"):
    """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `UnaryTask` the Accuracy is computed if
    the `negative_label_id` is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are

        labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
        output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

            * "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
            * "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
            * `float`: A specific float value for the threshold.

            Defaults to "optimize".

        Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.
    # TODO: Unittest
    if threshold not in ["default", "optimize"] and not isinstance(threshold, float):
        raise ValueError("Threshold must be either 'default', 'optimize' or a float value.")

    if threshold == "default":
        threshold = 0.5

    if threshold == "optimize":
        threshold, _ = find_optimal_threshold(labels, output, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)

    results = {"optimal_threshold": threshold}
    if self.negative_label_id < 0:
        results["accuracy_score"] = accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))
        output_ = apply_threshold(output, threshold=threshold, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)
        positive_labels = list(set(range(len(self.labels))) - set([self.negative_label_id]))
        output_pos = output.copy()
        output_pos[:, self.negative_label_id] = 0.0

        results["positive_accuracy"] = accuracy_score(
            labels[labels != self.negative_label_id], output_pos[labels != self.negative_label_id, :].argmax(-1)

        pre, rec, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, output_, labels=positive_labels, average="micro")
        results["precision"] = pre
        results["recall"] = rec
        results["f1-score"] = f1

    return results
class UnaryFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, X: str = None)

A features class for UnaryTask. It requires context and X arguments.

Expand source code
class UnaryFeatures(Features):
    """A features class for `UnaryTask`. It requires `context` and `X` arguments."""

    X: str = None


  • a2t.tasks.base.Features


  • a2t.tasks.span_classification.NamedEntityClassificationFeatures
class BinaryTask (name: str = None, required_variables: List[str] = <factory>, additional_variables: List[str] = <factory>, labels: List[str] = <factory>, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = <factory>, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, negative_label_id: int = -1, multi_label: bool = False, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.base.BinaryFeatures)

A Task implementation for Relation Classification like tasks.


name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the BinaryFeatures class. Defaults ["X", "Y"].
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the BinaryFeatures class. Defaults to empty list.
labels : List[str], optional
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Default to BinaryFeatures.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.
Expand source code
class BinaryTask(Task):
    """A `Task` implementation for Relation Classification like tasks.

        name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
        required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `BinaryFeatures` class. Defaults `["X", "Y"]`.
        additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `BinaryFeatures` class. Defaults to empty list.
        labels (List[str], optional): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
        templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to empty dict.
        valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
        multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. You should treat as multi-label task a task that contains a negative label. Defaults to False.
        features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Default to `BinaryFeatures`.
        negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to -1.

    required_variables: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["X", "Y"])
    features_class: type = BinaryFeatures

    def _assert_constraints(self):
        # Assert the number of required variables to be 2
        assert len(self.required_variables) == 2, "Binary-ary tasks like Tuple classifiation require 2 variable."

    def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"):
        """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `BinaryTask` the Accuracy is computed if
        the `negative_label_id` is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are

            labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
            output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
            threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

                * "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
                * "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
                * `float`: A specific float value for the threshold.

                Defaults to "optimize".

            Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.

        # TODO: Unittest + documentation
        if threshold not in ["default", "optimize"] and not isinstance(threshold, float):
            raise ValueError("Threshold must be either 'default', 'optimize' or a float value.")

        if threshold == "default":
            threshold = 0.5

        if threshold == "optimize":
            threshold, _ = find_optimal_threshold(labels, output, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)

        results = {"optimal_threshold": threshold}
        if self.negative_label_id < 0:
            results["accuracy_score"] = accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))
            output_ = apply_threshold(output, threshold=threshold, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)
            positive_labels = list(set(range(len(self.labels))) - set([self.negative_label_id]))
            output_pos = output.copy()
            output_pos[:, self.negative_label_id] = 0.0

            results["positive_accuracy"] = accuracy_score(
                labels[labels != self.negative_label_id], output_pos[labels != self.negative_label_id, :].argmax(-1)

            pre, rec, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, output_, labels=positive_labels, average="micro")
            results["precision"] = pre
            results["recall"] = rec
            results["f1-score"] = f1

        return results


  • a2t.tasks.base.Task


  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.EventArgumentClassificationTask
  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.RelationClassificationTask


def compute_metrics(self, labels: numpy.ndarray, output: numpy.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = 'optimize')

Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on BinaryTask the Accuracy is computed if the negative_label_id is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are computed.


labels : np.ndarray
(batch_size,) The correct labels.
output : np.ndarray
(batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
threshold : Union[str, float], optional

The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

  • "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
  • "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the labels. Intended to be used on the development split.
  • float: A specific float value for the threshold.

Defaults to "optimize".


Dict[str, float]
Dict with the resulting metrics.
Expand source code
def compute_metrics(self, labels: np.ndarray, output: np.ndarray, threshold: Union[str, float] = "optimize"):
    """Compute the metrics for the given task. By default on `BinaryTask` the Accuracy is computed if
    the `negative_label_id` is < 0, otherwise the Precision, Recall, F1-Score and positive Accuracy are

        labels (np.ndarray): (batch_size,) The correct labels.
        output (np.ndarray): (batch_size, n_labels) The labels probabilities.
        threshold (Union[str, float], optional): The threshold to use on the evaluation. Options:

            * "default": The threshold is set to 0.5.
            * "optimize": Optimize the threshold with the `labels`. Intended to be used on the development split.
            * `float`: A specific float value for the threshold.

            Defaults to "optimize".

        Dict[str, float]: Dict with the resulting metrics.

    # TODO: Unittest + documentation
    if threshold not in ["default", "optimize"] and not isinstance(threshold, float):
        raise ValueError("Threshold must be either 'default', 'optimize' or a float value.")

    if threshold == "default":
        threshold = 0.5

    if threshold == "optimize":
        threshold, _ = find_optimal_threshold(labels, output, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)

    results = {"optimal_threshold": threshold}
    if self.negative_label_id < 0:
        results["accuracy_score"] = accuracy_score(labels, output.argmax(-1))
        output_ = apply_threshold(output, threshold=threshold, negative_label_id=self.negative_label_id)
        positive_labels = list(set(range(len(self.labels))) - set([self.negative_label_id]))
        output_pos = output.copy()
        output_pos[:, self.negative_label_id] = 0.0

        results["positive_accuracy"] = accuracy_score(
            labels[labels != self.negative_label_id], output_pos[labels != self.negative_label_id, :].argmax(-1)

        pre, rec, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, output_, labels=positive_labels, average="micro")
        results["precision"] = pre
        results["recall"] = rec
        results["f1-score"] = f1

    return results
class BinaryFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, X: str = None, Y: str = None)

A features class for BinaryTask. It requires context, X and Y arguments.

Expand source code
class BinaryFeatures(Features):
    """A features class for `BinaryTask`. It requires `context`, `X` and `Y` arguments."""

    X: str = None
    Y: str = None


  • a2t.tasks.base.Features


  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.RelationClassificationFeatures
class TopicClassificationFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None)

A class handler for the Topic Classification features. It inherits from Features.

Expand source code
class TopicClassificationFeatures(Features):
    """A class handler for the Topic Classification features. It inherits from `Features`."""



  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class TopicClassificationTask (name: str = None, labels: List[str] = None, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, hypothesis_template: str = 'The domain of the sentence is about {label}.', features_class: type = a2t.tasks.text_classification.TopicClassificationFeatures, preprocess_labels: bool = False, preprocess_fn: Callable = None, **kwargs)

A class handler for Topic Classification task. It inherits from ZeroaryTask class.

Initialization of a TopicClassification task.


name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
labels : List[str]
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
hypothesis_template : str, optional
A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if templates is None, then the templates will be the combinations of the hypothesis_template and the labels. It must contain the '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "The domain of the sentence is about {label}.".
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to TopicClassificationFeatures.
preprocess_labels : bool, optional
Whether to split the topic labels. Defaults to True.
preprocess_fn : Callable, optional
The function that is applied if split_labels is True. If None then TopicClassificationTask._split_labels_fn is applied. Defaults to None.


Raised when the hypotesis_template argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.
Expand source code
class TopicClassificationTask(ZeroaryTask):
    """A class handler for Topic Classification task. It inherits from `ZeroaryTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        name: str = None,
        labels: List[str] = None,
        templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        hypothesis_template: str = "The domain of the sentence is about {label}.",
        features_class: type = TopicClassificationFeatures,
        preprocess_labels: bool = False,
        preprocess_fn: Callable = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialization of a TopicClassification task.

            name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
            labels (List[str]): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
            hypothesis_template (str, optional): A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if `templates` is None,
                then the templates will be the combinations of the `hypothesis_template` and the `labels`. It must contain the
                '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "The domain of the sentence is about {label}.".
            features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to TopicClassificationFeatures.
            preprocess_labels (bool, optional): Whether to split the topic labels. Defaults to True.
            preprocess_fn (Callable, optional): The function that is applied if `split_labels` is True. If None then
                `TopicClassificationTask._split_labels_fn` is applied. Defaults to None.

            IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError: Raised when the `hypotesis_template` argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.
        if not templates:

            if "{label}" not in hypothesis_template:
                raise IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError(
                    "The hypothesis_template argument must contain the '{label}' placeholder."

            if preprocess_labels:
                split_labels_fn = preprocess_fn if preprocess_fn is not None else self._split_and_extend_labels_fn
                templates = {
                    label: [hypothesis_template.format(label=partial_label) for partial_label in split_labels_fn(label)]
                    for label in labels
                templates = {label: [hypothesis_template.format(label=label)] for label in labels}


    def _split_labels_fn(label: str) -> List[str]:
        labels = [
            for partial_label in label.split(",")
            for partial_label in partial_label.split("and")
            if len(partial_label.strip())
        return list(set(labels))

    def _split_and_extend_labels_fn(label: str) -> List[str]:
        labels = [label] + [
            for partial_label in label.split(",")
            for partial_label in partial_label.split("and")
            if len(partial_label.strip())
        return list(set(labels))


  • a2t.tasks.base.ZeroaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task
class TextClassificationFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None)

A class handler for the Text Classification features. It inherits from Features.

Expand source code
class TextClassificationFeatures(Features):
    """A class handler for the Text Classification features. It inherits from `Features`."""



  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class TextClassificationTask (name: str = None, labels: List[str] = None, templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, hypothesis_template: str = 'It was {label}.', features_class: type = a2t.tasks.text_classification.TextClassificationFeatures, multi_label: bool = False, **kwargs)

A class handler for Text Classification tasks. It inherits from ZeroaryTask class.



name : str, optional
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
labels : List[str], optional
The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
hypothesis_template : str, optional
A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if templates is None, then the templates will be the combinations of the hypothesis_template and the labels. It must contain the '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "The domain of the sentence is about {label}.".
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to TextClassificationFeatures.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to False.


Raised when the hypotesis_template argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.
Expand source code
class TextClassificationTask(ZeroaryTask):
    """A class handler for Text Classification tasks. It inherits from `ZeroaryTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        name: str = None,
        labels: List[str] = None,
        templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        hypothesis_template: str = "It was {label}.",
        features_class: type = TextClassificationFeatures,
        multi_label: bool = False,

            name (str, optional): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving. Defaults to None.
            labels (List[str], optional): The labels for the task. Defaults to empty list.
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
            hypothesis_template (str, optional): A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if `templates` is None,
                then the templates will be the combinations of the `hypothesis_template` and the `labels`. It must contain the
                '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "The domain of the sentence is about {label}.".
            features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to TextClassificationFeatures.
            multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to False.

            IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError: Raised when the `hypotesis_template` argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.
        if not templates:

            if "{label}" not in hypothesis_template:
                raise IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError(
                    "The hypothesis_template argument must contain the '{label}' placeholder."
            templates = {label: [hypothesis_template.format(label=label)] for label in labels}



  • a2t.tasks.base.ZeroaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task
class NamedEntityClassificationFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, X: str = None)

A class handler for the Named Entity Classification features. It inherits from UnaryFeatures.

Expand source code
class NamedEntityClassificationFeatures(UnaryFeatures):
    """A class handler for the Named Entity Classification features. It inherits from `UnaryFeatures`."""


  • a2t.tasks.base.UnaryFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class NamedEntityClassificationTask (name: str, labels: List[str], *args, required_variables: List[str] = ['X'], additional_variables: List[str] = ['inst_type'], templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, hypothesis_template: str = '{X} is a {label}.', features_class: type = a2t.tasks.span_classification.NamedEntityClassificationFeatures, multi_label: bool = True, negative_label_id: int = 0, **kwargs)

A class handler for Named Entity Classification task. It inherits from UnaryTask class.

Initialization of a NamedEntityClassificationTask task.


name : str
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
labels : List[str]
The labels for the task.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the NamedEntityClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["X", "Y"].
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the NamedEntityClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["inst_type"].
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
hypothesis_template : str, optional
A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if templates is None, then the templates will be the combinations of the hypothesis_template and the labels. It must contain the '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "{X} is a {label}.".
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to NamedEntityClassificationFeatures.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.


Raised when the hypotesis_template argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.
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class NamedEntityClassificationTask(UnaryTask):
    """A class handler for Named Entity Classification task. It inherits from `UnaryTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        labels: List[str],
        required_variables: List[str] = ["X"],
        additional_variables: List[str] = ["inst_type"],
        templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        hypothesis_template: str = "{X} is a {label}.",
        features_class: type = NamedEntityClassificationFeatures,
        multi_label: bool = True,
        negative_label_id: int = 0,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialization of a NamedEntityClassificationTask task.

            name (str): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
            labels (List[str]): The labels for the task.
            required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `NamedEntityClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to `["X", "Y"]`.
            additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `NamedEntityClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to ["inst_type"].
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
            valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
            hypothesis_template (str, optional): A meta template to generate hypothesis templates, if `templates` is None,
                then the templates will be the combinations of the `hypothesis_template` and the `labels`. It must contain the
                '{label}' placeholder. Defaults to "{X} is a {label}.".
            features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to NamedEntityClassificationFeatures.
            multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
            negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.

            IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError: Raised when the `hypotesis_template` argument does not contain the '{label}' placeholder.

        if not templates:
            if "{label}" not in hypothesis_template:
                raise IncorrectHypothesisTemplateError(
                    "The hypothesis_template argument must contain the '{label}' placeholder."

            templates = {
                label: [hypothesis_template.replace("{label}", label)]
                for i, label in enumerate(labels)
                if i != negative_label_id



  • a2t.tasks.base.UnaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task
class RelationClassificationFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, X: str = None, Y: str = None)

A class handler for the Relation Classification features. It inherits from BinaryFeatures.

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class RelationClassificationFeatures(BinaryFeatures):
    """A class handler for the Relation Classification features. It inherits from `BinaryFeatures`."""


  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryFeatures
  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class RelationClassificationTask (name: str, labels: List[str], required_variables: List[str] = ['X', 'Y'], additional_variables: List[str] = ['inst_type'], templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.RelationClassificationFeatures, multi_label: bool = True, negative_label_id: int = 0, **kwargs)

A class handler for Relation Classification task. It inherits from BinaryTask class.

Initialization of a RelationClassificationTask task.


name : str
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
labels : List[str]
The labels for the task.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the RelationClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["X", "Y"].
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the RelationClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["inst_type"].
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to RelationClassificationFeatures.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.
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class RelationClassificationTask(BinaryTask):
    """A class handler for Relation Classification task. It inherits from `BinaryTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        labels: List[str],
        # *args,
        required_variables: List[str] = ["X", "Y"],
        additional_variables: List[str] = ["inst_type"],
        templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        features_class: type = RelationClassificationFeatures,
        multi_label: bool = True,
        negative_label_id: int = 0,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialization of a RelationClassificationTask task.

            name (str): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
            labels (List[str]): The labels for the task.
            required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `RelationClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to `["X", "Y"]`.
            additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `RelationClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to ["inst_type"].
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
            valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
            features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to RelationClassificationFeatures.
            multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
            negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.
            # *args,


  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task


  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.TACREDRelationClassificationTask
class EventArgumentClassificationFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, trg: str = None, arg: str = None, trg_type: str = None, trg_subtype: str = None)

A class handler for the Event Argument Classification features. It inherits from BinaryFeatures.

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class EventArgumentClassificationFeatures(Features):
    """A class handler for the Event Argument Classification features. It inherits from `BinaryFeatures`."""

    trg: str = None
    arg: str = None
    trg_type: str = None
    trg_subtype: str = None


  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class EventArgumentClassificationTask (name: str, labels: List[str], required_variables: List[str] = ['trg', 'arg'], additional_variables: List[str] = ['inst_type', 'trg_type', 'trg_subtype'], templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, features_class: type = a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.EventArgumentClassificationFeatures, multi_label: bool = True, negative_label_id: int = 0, **kwargs)

A class handler for Event Argument Classification task. It inherits from BinaryTask class.

Initialization of a RelationClassificationTask task.


name : str
A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
labels : List[str]
The labels for the task.
required_variables : List[str], optional
The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the EventArgumentClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["trg", "arg"].
additional_variables : List[str], optional
The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the EventArgumentClassificationFeatures class. Defaults to ["inst_type", "trg_type", "trg_subtype"].
templates : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]], optional
The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
features_class : type, optional
The Features class related to the task. Defaults to EventArgumentClassificationFeatures.
multi_label : bool, optional
Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
negative_label_id : int, optional
The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class Other on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.
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class EventArgumentClassificationTask(BinaryTask):
    """A class handler for Event Argument Classification task. It inherits from `BinaryTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        labels: List[str],
        required_variables: List[str] = ["trg", "arg"],
        additional_variables: List[str] = ["inst_type", "trg_type", "trg_subtype"],
        templates: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = None,
        features_class: type = EventArgumentClassificationFeatures,
        multi_label: bool = True,
        negative_label_id: int = 0,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialization of a RelationClassificationTask task.

            name (str): A name for the task that may be used for to differentiate task when saving.
            labels (List[str]): The labels for the task.
            required_variables (List[str], optional): The variables required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `EventArgumentClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to `["trg", "arg"]`.
            additional_variables (List[str], optional): The variables not required to perform the task and must be implemented by the `EventArgumentClassificationFeatures` class. Defaults to ["inst_type", "trg_type", "trg_subtype"].
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The templates/verbalizations for the task. Defaults to None.
            valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): The valid conditions or constraints for the task. Defaults to None.
            features_class (type, optional): The `Features` class related to the task. Defaults to EventArgumentClassificationFeatures.
            multi_label (bool, optional): Whether the task must be treated as multi-label or not. Defaults to True.
            negative_label_id (int, optional): The index of the negative label or -1 if no negative label exist. A negative label is for example the class `Other` on NER, that means that the specific token is not a named entity. Defaults to 0.


  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task
class TACREDFeatures (context: str, label: str = None, inst_type: str = None, subj: str = None, obj: str = None)

A class handler for the TACRED features. It inherits from Features.

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class TACREDFeatures(Features):
    """A class handler for the TACRED features. It inherits from `Features`."""

    subj: str = None
    obj: str = None


  • a2t.tasks.base.Features
class TACREDRelationClassificationTask (labels: List[str], templates: Dict[str, List[str]], valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]], **kwargs)

A class handler for TACRED Relation Classification task. It inherits from RelationClassificationTask class.

Initialization of the TACRED RelationClassification task


labels : List[str]
The labels for the task.
templates : Dict[str, List[str]]
The templates/verbalizations for the task.
valid_conditions : Dict[str, List[str]]
The valid conditions or constraints for the task.
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class TACREDRelationClassificationTask(RelationClassificationTask):
    """A class handler for TACRED Relation Classification task. It inherits from `RelationClassificationTask` class."""

    def __init__(
        self, labels: List[str], templates: Dict[str, List[str]], valid_conditions: Dict[str, List[str]], **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        """Initialization of the TACRED RelationClassification task

            labels (List[str]): The labels for the task.
            templates (Dict[str, List[str]]): The templates/verbalizations for the task.
            valid_conditions (Dict[str, List[str]]): The valid conditions or constraints for the task.
        for key in ["name", "required_variables", "additional_variables", "features_class", "multi_label", "negative_label_id"]:
            kwargs.pop(key, None)
            "TACRED Relation Classification task",
            required_variables=["subj", "obj"],


  • a2t.tasks.tuple_classification.RelationClassificationTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.BinaryTask
  • a2t.tasks.base.Task